作为2020年光伏组件市场新星,182系列组件一经推出就收获了众多关注。为帮助全球客户更好地了解182组件,晶澳再次携手晶科、隆基,出席TaiyangNews主题为“PERC Modules with M10/182 mm Cells Towards Very High Efficiency Products”的线上Webinar,与行业专家、第三方机构一道,介绍该系列产品在生产、应用端的优势。北京时间今天下午21:00-24:00,欧洲中部时间14:00-17:00,会议将准时开启,敬请关注!
The 182 module has attracted much attention since it was launched earlier this year. To help global customers get more detailed info about the product, JA Solar, with Jinko Solar, LONGi, and third-party institutions, industry experts, will present at the TaiyangNews webinar “PERC Modules with M10/182mm Cells Towards Very High Efficiency Products”. Tao Wang and Ignacio Espinosa from JA Solar will be there to give detailed introduction about the products advantages in the manufacturing process and also in application.
The webinar will come online today at 14:00-17:00(CET). Click to register the free webinar: